A Historical Perspective of Professional Basketball and Rules Changes in North America

Author Details

Mahmoud M. Nourayi

Journal Details


Published: 9 January 2020 | Article Type :


This paper provides a review of the basketball history and the professional leagues in the United States. In  this paper I will discuss basketball rule changes over time intended to enhance the popularity and  excitement of the game and increase the fan’s support and television viewership. The rule changes as well as  creation of professional leagues will be presented in a chronological order, as the formation of teams and  more significant professional leagues will be described and the impacts on the style of the game and the  plausible explanation for such changes presented. It is posited that NBA’s league office actions are  beneficial to owners and players as the league remain attentive to the fan’s and business partners’  expectation and demands.

Keywords: NBA, Basketball Rules, Professional Basketball History.

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How to Cite


Mahmoud M. Nourayi. (2020-01-09). "A Historical Perspective of Professional Basketball and Rules Changes in North America." *Volume 2*, 1, 1-9